Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Results: What to Expect and How to Care

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Results: What to Expect and How to Care

Did you know that it is possible to make changes to your nose without surgery and incisions? If you feel that the tip of your nose is drooping or if you are bothered by that "bump" on your nose, for example, Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty may be the ideal option for you.

The procedure can correct imperfections, modify proportions and bring more harmony to the face. Want to understand better? Then follow the reading and clear all your doubts about the non-surgical nose job!

What’s the difference between non-surgical rhinoplasty and a nose job?

First of all, it is important to understand the difference between the two treatments. A non-surgical nose job, also known as liquid rhinoplasty or nose filler is an aesthetic, non-surgical procedure to modify aesthetic aspects of the nose, aiming to correct imperfections in its contour, bringing more harmony to the face or even defects from previous rhinoplasties.

Unlike traditional nose surgery, Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty is quick and painless, as the patient receives anaesthesia before the filler is applied. It can be said that the main difference between rhinoplasty and non-surgical nose job lies in the complexity of the procedures.

Also, Non-surgical techniques provide solutions that are less costly, associated with fewer risks. Whereas surgical facilitates a more drastic, permanent change to the shape of the nose.

It is important to emphasise that any aesthetic procedure should be done for oneself, not to fit into an ideal image pattern.

The procedure may be a good option if you want to correct some points, such as: Asymmetrical Nose, Droopy Tip Nose, Uneven/Misshapen Nose, Dorsal hump (Bump on nose).

What materials are used on non-surgical rhinoplasty?

There are several types of substances that can be used in non-surgical rhinoplasty. Hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used substance. It is a biopolymer naturally produced by our body, responsible for filling the space between cells, and decreases as we age, leading to a loss of shine, firmness, hydration and volume.

Hyaluronic acid filler aims to add volume in a natural way. As it is a substance already present in the body, even when synthetic does not present reactions and the risk of the body rejecting it is rare, therefore, it is considered extremely safe. While hyaluronic acid is the most common, other fillers like poly-L-lactic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite exist.  The ideal material depends on your specific needs and desired outcome.

How long does the treatment take?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a relatively quick procedure. It typically takes around 30 minutes to complete. You may even be able to return to work on the same day, as the required downtime is minimal.

How long do non-surgical nose job treatments last? Is it permanent?

Studies have shown that hyaluronic acid, the most common filler used in non-surgical rhinoplasty, can last anywhere from 9 to 12 months when injected into the subdermal layer. However, the exact duration varies depending on individual factors.

How often can you get non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Once you notice a partial loss of results, you can schedule a consultation with your professionals to assess the need for a touch-up or reapplication. Regular maintenance sessions can help maintain your desired look and prolong the overall benefits of the treatment.

How to Care for Your Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Results?

As a non-invasive procedure without incisions, discomfort following the injections is typically minimal. Mild swelling is common and usually subsides within a few hours. Some patients may experience bruising in the treated area. Some essential Post-Treatment instructions are:

  • Minimise Trauma: Avoid touching, rubbing, or blowing your nose excessively to prevent irritation and potential complications.
  • Elevate Your Head: Sleep with your head slightly elevated for the first few nights to reduce swelling.
  • Sun Protection: Shield your nose from direct sunlight for a week or two to prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • Avoid Pressure: Do not massage or press your nose, as this can alter the shape of the filler.
  • Avoid Makeup: Avoid applying makeup to the treated area for at least 24 hours to allow the filler to settle properly.

In the rare event that you experience severe pain, difficulty breathing, vision problems, or persistent paleness around the injection site, seek immediate professional attention from us. These could be signs of potential complications.

Nose Filler Before and After

Non-surgical Rhinoplasty in Dublin

Are you interested in undergoing non-surgical rhinoplasty? Count on Movmore Clinic.

Our team consists of qualified and specialised professionals who perform procedures, treatments, and clinical approach focusing on patient safety, comfort, and well-being.

Contact us to schedule a consultation.